Industry news

Industry news
  • Ingot cast is a casting method used to create metal ingots or ingots. The method involves pouring molten metal into a pre-prepared casting form, allowing the metal to cool and solidify to form a solid cast block, known as an ingot or ingot. This casting method is commonly used in the metalworking and metallurgical industries to produce standardized metal billets for subsequent processing and manufacturing


  • What is the process of ingot casting? Ingot casting is a common metalworking method used to create primary forms of metallic materials. Ingots are massive metal billets, usually rectangular or cylindrical, that are subsequently hot-worked or processed into the desired end product.


  • A European company recently signed an important order with Chinese machinery and equipment manufacturer Lufeng, ordering 20 sets of 120kg lead anode disc casting machines produced by Lufeng. This cooperation will bring important technological upgrades and production efficiency improvements to the company's production lines.


  • Ingot casting is a manufacturing process used to produce metal ingots, which are large blocks or bars of metal typically used as raw material for further processing in various industries. The ingot casting process involves the solidification of molten metal into a mold or container to form a solid block or shape.


  • One of the primary factors to consider when selecting a zinc ingot mold supplier is the quality of their products. This can be determined by examining the materials used in the manufacturing process, as well as the construction methods employed.


  • The first step in manufacturing aluminum ingots is to choose the right aluminum source. During smelting, raw materials are thrown into a furnace to be heated and dissolved. The process requires high temperatures and high energy inputs, often using coal, natural gas or electricity to provide the required energy. When the material is melted, it can be transferred to a refining facility to remove any impurities and purify it.
